Friday, 29 January 2016

Top 10 Surprising Benefits Of Soursop Leaves For Skin, Hair And Health

Soursop also known as graviola and (Hanuman Phal / Laxman Phal) in Hindi is a fruit that has its origin in the forests of South America, Africa and Southeast Asia. This is an evergreen broad leaved tree whose every part is useful and has medicinal properties. This fruit is extremely delicious with a sharp aroma and a sweet-sour taste which is basically a combination of the taste of pineapple and strawberry. Recently, it has gained attention and popularity due to its natural cancer cell killing properties. Apart from its anti- cancer properties, it has several other medical benefits.
 Soursop leaves are the most beneficial parts of this tree. They have the Acetoginin containing compounds namely bulatacin, asimisin and squamosin. Acetoginin acts as an anti- feedent. Thus, they are often used in killing insects and pests which die by consuming these leaves even in small amounts. Scientific research conducted by The National Cancer Institute has proved that Soursop leaves can effectively attack and destroy cancer cells. In addition to this, they are also used in the treatment of several other diseases.

Health Benefits of Soursop Leaves:

Soursop leaves are rich in several compounds including protein, calcium, fructose, fat, vitamins A and B and the like. Thus, the leaves have excellent medicinal properties making them usable as an ingredient in several herbal health products. The health benefits of soursop leaves are as follows.

1. Treatment of Cancer:

 Soursop leaves can inhibit cancer cells and cure cancer more quickly and effectively than chemotherapy which results in several side effects besides being expensive. In fact, research has proved that soursop has an active ingredient that is 10000 times stronger than chemotherapy in fighting cancer cells. Thus, soursop leaves can treat different types of cancers including prostate, lung and breast cancers. For treatment, boil 10 soursop leaves in 3 cups of water until only one cup of water remains, strain and cool it and drink this concoction every morning for 3-4 weeks to determine improvement in the condition. Soursop leaves cancer treatment is one of the most potent cures till date.


2. Treatment of Uric Acid:

 Eating soursop leaves can greatly help in treating gout. In fact, many alternative medicines use soursop leaves for the treatment of gout. For this purpose, take 6 to 10 soursop leaves which are old but still green and wash them clean. Boil the leaves in 2 cups of water and simmer until one cup of water remains. This concoction should be taken twice a day i.e. morning and evening for maximum benefits.


3. Treatment of Back Pain:

Back pain is commonly experienced these days, particularly while exercising. Using chemical drugs for back pain can cause side effects. Soursop leaves are an effective herbal remedy for treating back pain without any negative effect. You can boil 20 pieces of soursop leaves in 5 cups of water until only 3 cups of water are left. Drink ¾ cup of this concoction once in a day for relief.

 monly experienced these days, particularly while exercising. Using chemical drugs for back pain can cause side effects. Soursop leaves are an effective herbal remedy for treating back pain without any negative effect. You can boil 20 pieces of soursop leaves in 5 cups of water until only 3 cups of water are left. Drink ¾ cup of this concoction once in a day for relief.

4. Treatment of Eczema and Rheumatism:

Rheumatic diseases are commonly observed in elderly people, causing great pain. Soursop leaves are a natural treatment for arthritis pain. For this purpose, mashes the soursop leaves until they become smooth and apply on the areas of the body affected by pain due to arthritis and eczema, regularly twice a day.

5. Treatment of Diabetes:

The limit of normal sugar levels ranges from 70 mg to 120 mg. The nutrients in soursop leaves are believed to stabilize blood sugar levels in the normal range. Besides, the extracts of soursop leaves can be used as one of the natural diabetes remedies. All this makes these leaves beneficial for diabetics.

6. Boosts the Immune System and Prevents Infections:

The nutrient content of soursop leaves is believed to boost the immune system and avoid infections in the body. Boil 4/5 soursop leaves in 4 cups of water until one cup water remains and drink this concoction regularly once in a day for beneficial results.

7. Other Benefits:

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, soursop leaves are extremely effective in inhibiting the growth of bacteria, virus, parasites and tumor development. Their healing properties make them capable of being used as an anti-seizure medication. They are also capable of reducing fever and lowering high blood pressure. They help in treating inflammation and swollen feet. They aid in digestion and improve appetite. Soursop leaf consumption on a regular basis helps in improving stamina and facilitating quick recovery from diseases.

Skin Benefits of Soursop Leaves:

Due to their medicinal properties soursop leaves are extremely beneficial for health. As pointed out earlier, they are used in the treatment of some of the deadliest diseases. The leaves offer some skin benefits as well.

8. Treatment of Boils:

Ulcer is a skin disorder that is characterized by immense pain and even has the risk of catching infection. Boils can occur on the body or on the face, thus interfering with your skin health and beauty. Soursop leaves are a natural remedy to cure ulcers. You can pick some young soursop leaves and place them on the body affected by ulcers.

9. Treatment of Eczema:

As already stated earlier, soursop leaves can treat eczema in a natural way. You can mash a few soursop leaves and apply it on the affected areas twice a day regularly. This will help in alleviating the pain caused by eczema besides treating it.
A pulp made with fresh soursop leaves and rose water when applied on the skin can be very useful in preventing the occurrence of blackheads and other skin problems too.

Hair Benefits of Soursop Leaves:

10. Get rid of Lice:

All of us long for healthy and damage free hair. But unfortunately, the unhealthy lifestyle coupled with exposure to harmful chemicals and environmental pollutants is responsible for several hair problems like dandruff, split ends, hair loss, pre mature greying etc. Natural ingredients and herbal products can be very effective in combating these problems. As far as soursop leaves are concerned, much is not known about their benefits for hair. However, soursop leaves have the capability to inhibit the growth of parasites, besides other medicinal properties. Thus, applying a soursop leaf decoction on your hair can help you to get rid of head lice.
Finding soursop leaves in Inida is not easy but if you do find it, pick it up right away!
Hope the article was informative. Please leave your feedback in the comments below.

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15 Habits Of Highly Successful Women

.Men and women tend to think differently. Some say women think more with their intuition, and men are more practical. On the other hand, to some people this is just a bunch of prejudices and a references from pop psychology. Whatever the case is or- whatever you choose to believe in- there are some things successful women do differently than those who are, let’s say, less successful. Even if you are somehow happy with your life choices, it is always useful to upgrade yourself, right? That’s why we made this list. We present you 15 habits that make determined women even more successful.

1. Make a brand of yourself. The times of having one profession for the lifetime are over. This is the time to think fast and think about the things you do really well. And the most important thing is- find something that will identify you as a brand. Do you write well? Are you a good listener? Do you find art amusing? Go for it. But be professional and think of it as your specialty. Educate yourself in areas you find unique, and ideas will follow.
2. Focus on the 20%. We will try to explain it like this: in today’s economy and all the unpredictable problems that can generally ruin your plans, it is important to know when the progress is actually happening. You see, when you have a lot on your mind, and many women do, you only see the negative sides. Sometimes you miss the good results and concentrate on the problems. Keep in mind that 20% of effort gets you about 80% of results.
 3. Prioritize people. Sometimes in life you will feel too overwhelmed. When you’re good enough, you will have different chances to shine. However, you can’t spend your energy equally on many things. Try to see yourself in the future, and try to figure out what you would like to choose for yourself. As hard as it sounds, it is crucial to your future success. Do you want to prosper financially or spiritually? Do you care more about the work you do or about the salary you receive. Choose your choice and go for it.

4. Try to evolve as much as you can. Remember that your learning doesn’t end with college. Back in the days, your obligations were to attend classes, but now that you are an adult woman you need to work on your education. There are many courses today on sites such as Coursera, that offer free knowledge for all kinds of professions. There is no reason not to challenge yourself in order to learn more.
 5. Focus on solutions and not on problems. Let’s face it, problems are everywhere. It’s not that hard to find a problem anywhere you look. On the other hand, those who offer practical solutions are pretty rare. It doesn’t matter if you want to start your own business or you plant to work for someone else. Solutions are essential for every single job out there. It’s only up to you to bring them to the right person.

6. Think outside the box. As we already mentioned, the times have changed, and people today tend to explore more talents, which is great! But why not use that, and find different solutions for your problems? For instance, you need to hire someone to design the cover of your book but you don’t have enough money for that costly agency. Why not hire someone from freelance sites to do it for less money?

7. Make your own high-performance culture. Not everyone is a good manager. But if you are a good problem solver and a leader, then you should know about a few tricks that could help you in your career. Firstly, write down objectives with clear deadlines. Then, do the check-ups frequently.  Be sure to give everyone clear feedbacks and rewards for everything they did well. Treat your team members like you have many goals in common.
8. Have confidence. Trust yourself and you will feel the change. Many women are aware of their qualities, but they just find it hard to say what they really want. Being able to say what you need and being clear about the things that matter to you are crucial for a successful business woman. Also, have in mind that having confidence is a skill. You may not be able to express yourself right away, but exercise will help you a lot.
9. Monitor your emotions. Women tend to have more emotional reactions to things. However, remember that your working space is not your living-room (or it is, if you work from home, but that’s not the point). It is important to know when to stop, because in case of a stressful situation you just need to stay calm. At the end of the day, it’s not about how many problems we have, but how we actually deal with them.

 10. Organize yourself well. This is also very important for every woman who wants to succeed. Whether you are working for yourself or for anyone else, you need to know how to deal with your time and obligations. Take one step at the time, though. You don’t want to get frustrated by your own indecisiveness at some point. It’s okay to make mistakes sometimes, but try to have a general plan and inner organization.

11. Take care of your communication skills. While some women are naturally charismatic and have no fear in front of the people they don’t know, others, more introverted women may know how hard it is just to talk to people. And by talk we mean: meetings, talking to new people, writing emails, talking on the phone… The list goes on. Nourish your skills and upgrade them any time you have the chance.
 12. Find yourself a woman mentor. We are not saying that you should not look up to a successful man, but a successful woman is the one that has probably already gone through what you are encountering now. So the amount of experience are great! Also, let’s try to think different for once; women usually think of each other as a threat, when they should fight together instead. So open your mind and look for that mentor.
 13. Keep your personal life personal. If you are working in a team, you probably have that one person who is always complaining. Think about how annoying you find it, and you will understand why it is very important to know the line between private and professional. We are not saying you should not talk about anything, we are saying that sometime we can reveal a bit too much, which will distract other people from what we really are.
 14. Stay informed and well connected. Once again, your education is not finished. You will learn your whole life, and that’s one of the best things that can happen to you. But you need to know what’s happening around you. Many successful businesswomen admit that they read blogs, follow all kinds of social networks, read the paper, watch the news…just to stay in shape. The world is changing fast and you need to keep the track with it.
 15. Admit when you make mistakes. Mistakes are common and we all make them. However, many women punish themselves for making mistakes, and they don’t know that it’s even worse than making that mistake. You need to conquer your ego and go on, past mistakes. If you can’t solve it, leave it for some time and go on with your life. Don’t stay stuck with problems you can’t deal with right now.


Thursday, 28 January 2016

mawunmi shares experience working with Angelique Kidjo

mawunmi shares experience working with Angelique Kidjo

SHE may not make the list of top Nigerian songstresses at the moment, but vocal power house, Omawunmi has relaunched her career. The music sensation is back with a new song titled Play na play, which she features legendary singer, Angelique Kidjo.
In a recent interview, she describes her experience working with this music legend as refreshing and memorable.
“She is so good at what she does. Mama Angelique that is what I call her. She doesn’t have any airs. She is playful, fun and very hygienic. She sings effortlessly. When she was recording I was just in awe. I was just saying: “I want to be slim like this”, I want to be energetic when I am her age,” she said.
Narrating how difficult it was to reach out to her, Omawunmi said, “It was difficult to get her, but it wasn’t difficult the moment I reached her. With the help of my manager, he got in touch with her through someone else that also doubles as a booking agent for me. It was like a dream come true for me. When I was shooting with Angelique at some point I started crying I couldn’t believe it. It was like a real honour for me” she reveals.

Ikorodu Utd ‘ll be Nigeria’s Leicester City — Edema

orodu Utd ‘ll be Nigeria’s Leicester City — Edema

By Jacob Ajom
Head coach of Ikorodu United Football Club of Lagos, Edema Benson has declared that his wards are battle ready for the new Globacom Premier League season due to kick off next month. Speaking to Sports Vanguard at the club’s launch in Ikorodu yesterday, the former Nigeria international who guided the team to promotion within a season said, “we are aware of the challenge ahead of us and I will say without equivocation that we are ready. This is our first season in the top flight but we are not scared of any team as big names don’t play football.”
Drawing inspiration from what is happening in the Barclays Premier League, where a relatively ‘small’ club, Leicester City is topping the table at the moment, Benson said, “we want to replicate what Leicester City is doing in England here in Nigeria. We played Enyimba in Otta a few days back, it was tough for them as we drew the game 2-2. We are not going into the league as second rate. We will justify our place in the Premier League as worthy representatives of the good people of Lagos state, and Ikorodu in particular.”
Benson showered encomiums on his players as he recalled their struggle for promotion: “The beginning was not easy. We lost the opening game and from then on we never looked back again.”

Emenike undergoes Hammers medical

Emmanuel Emenike is expected to undergo a medical today at West Ham United ahead of a loan move to Upton Park.
West Ham have agreed a deal with Fenerbahce to take Emenike, 28, on loan for the rest of the season, with the view to a permanent move.
The potential move had been held up because it needed the agreement of Fenerbahce and Al Ain as the Nigerian had been on loan at the latter.
Al Ain agreed to cut short his season-long loan deal to allow him to return to Fenerbahce so that he could then make the switch to West Ham.
West Ham boss Slaven Bilic is looking to add to his striking options before the close of the transfer window with Andy Carroll and Diafra Sakho on the sidelines.
Emenike has already agreed personal terms with West Ham and should he pass his medical he will become their second signing of this month’s transfer window after Sam Byram’s arrival from Leeds United.
“Now we are waiting to see if it is going to be today, tomorrow or not,” Bilic was quoted as saying by the Daily Star.
In October, Emenike, who was top scorer as Nigeria won the Africa Nations Cup in 2013, announced his retirement from international football.

Conway fire shuts down part of S.C. 544 for more than an hour.

USC student found dead Thursday afternoon

Death being investigated as suspicious, coroner said

The body of a 19-year-old female student at the University of South Carolina was discovered Thursday afternoon at the HUB, a student housing development on Main Street in downtown Columbia.
The death is being investigated as suspicious, said Richland County coroner Gary Watts who was called to the scene around 6 p.m.
An autopsy will be performed Friday morning, he said.
No other details were available at this writing.

Read more here:

ow salary crisis is holding Ahmed’s Kwara hostage

How salary crisis is holding Ahmed’s Kwara hostage

By Demola Akinyemi
THESE are not the best of times for the administration of Abdulfatah Ahmed in Kwara State as a result of its failure to be up to date with the payment of salaries.
Virtually all the civil servants in the state have not been paid in the last five months, leading to industrial action embarked upon by the Nigeria Union of Local Government Employees, NULGE.
The leadership of the union has vowed not to return to work unless the state government pays the accumulated wages.
Advocacy meeting
In a chat with Vanguard, Secretary of NULGE, Comrade Abayomi A?folabi, noted that the strike would remain until the needful is done by the state government.
The worst hit is the education sector where both primary and post- primary schools have remained closed, resulting in discontent among parents and guardians.
Worried about the situation, 16 Local Government chairmen in the state under the aegis of Association of Local Government Council of Nigeria, ALGON, and the state chapter of the All Progressives Congress, APC, convened an advocacy meeting among stakeholders to find a solution to the impasse.
The forum was also aimed at sensitising the public about the factors responsible for the crisis and as well plead that they return to work.
To achieve their aim, the chairmen, who visited the three senatorial districts in the state, also made a stop at the palace of the Emir of Ilorin, Alhaji Ibrahim Sulu Gambari.
While appealing to the Emir to prevail on workers to return to work, the chairmen disclosed that all revenue alternatives had been utilised without success.
From the state council of chiefs also came the call for synergy between the state government and the leadership of the labour unions in order to find amicable solution to the problem.
The traditional rulers, after their meeting, urged the ?state government to ensure that the welfare of its workers at all levels remain paramount as soon as the financial status of the state improves.
This among others was contained in a communiqué issued at the end of an emergency meeting of all the traditional rulers in the state.
Held at the Emir’s Palace and attended by members of the traditional council, representatives of all local governments and the leadership of the labour unions, the gathering was aimed at deliberating on the protracted funding challenges facing the state.
The communiqué reads: “Given the need to forestall any impending strike actions that may occur and in view of the fact that the masses are terribly affected by the paucity of fund to pay workers, it is therefore pertinent to appraise the entire gamut of the issue with a view to contributing to what may become succour to the problems.
“The council notes that the inability of both the state and local governments to presently provide adequate funds for the payment of salaries and allowances and meet other commitments of governance, at rates commensurate with past provisions, had arisen due to the drastic fall in the statutory allocation from the Federation Account.”
Statutory allocation
“The Internally Generated Revenue by both the state and local governments has not been adequate to bridge the funding gap noting that the newly established Kwara State Internal Revenue Service will assist in curbing leakages and enhance revenue base of the state.
“The council observed that the workers are entitled to their salaries because it is a right and not a privilege.
“We sympathise with the state government for not having enough money for their projects and to satisfy the needs of the people but appeal to the Kwara State government and the 16 Local Government Chairmen to continue to explore all avenues for stabilizing the situation.
“After an exhaustive discussion with the leadership of the labour unions, they have agreed to convince their members to call off the strike and further resolve that we should work to ensure that subsequent salaries are regularly paid as and when due.
“The one month salary arrears must be paid before the commencement of the bio-metrics exercise and to also urge the government to review the number of emoluments of political office holders? at both state and local government levels as their status cannot be compared to those of the civil servants.
“The state government is also urged to urgently set up a committee to address the issue of ghost workers and pensioners at the local government areas.’’
On its part, the state government had earlier convened a similar forum in Ilorin where it pleaded for patience over the paucity of funds in the state.
Paucity of funds
The Commissioner for Finance Alhaji Nurudeen Banu, who led the government delegation, had hectic time explaining the situation.
Those present include leaders of NULGE, Nigeria Union of Teachers , NUT, pensioners, health workers and market women among others .
Banu told the gathering :  “The state was collecting N3.4billion before the fall of the prices of crude oil in the international market but now it has reduced to N1.4billion every month.
“Apart from this, the Internally Generated Revenue is N200million every month while the Excess Crude fund is N400million every month but this cannot resolve the current precarious financial situation in Kwara State.”
“Our monthly wage bill is N2.4billion and this is a serious deficit to the state government in view of the N1.4billion we collect as federal allocation.”
While appealing for patience Banu urged the stakeholders to come out with facts that would help the state out of the present financial logjam.
Proffering solutions, the NUT called on the state governor and other political office holders to forfeit their security votes and other fringe benefits pending the time the economy of the state improves.
This, they said would also help the state to meet its financial commitments to workers.

Anioma Professionals partners Delta govt on youth employment

Anioma Professionals partners Delta govt on youth employment

By Victor Ahiuma-Young
Association of Anioma Professionals, AAP, has said that it was compiling a data base of unemployed youths in the state, with the aim of partnering the government in combating unemployment and youth restiveness in the state.
The group, during a familiarization and sensitization tour of the local government areas in the nine councils of Anioma ethnic nationalities, said that unemployment was the major problem of the youths in the area.
Led by its President General, Dr. Clement Nwadozie, AAP said that it was committed to moral re -orientation of the youths, engagement in skill acquisition, financial assistance, organisation of workshops and seminars on regular basis as well as hosting of sports festivals, among other socio-economic activities for the youths.
To achieve this, Nwadozie, a Director in the Federal Ministry of External Affairs, said, that the group was already compiling a data base of unemployed youths in the state.
“With the data base, we will be able to access and assess the youths base on their vocations, locations and requisite qualifications when the occasion calls for it.”
According to him, the need to ensure good governance within the political class, economic empowerment for the economically weak individuals in the area, and moral resuscitation of the youths, were part of the driving force for the formation of the group.

We check vices through undergraduate scholarships —Osanebi Foundation

We check vices through undergraduate scholarships —Osanebi Foundation

By Oboh Agbonkhese
Chairman, Friday Osanebi Foundation, FOF, Mr. Friday Osanebi, has said that the foundation was using its undergraduate scholarship programme to check vices and socially-related challenges among Nigerian youths.
Deputy Speaker, Delta State House of Assembly, Friday Osanebi
Deputy Speaker, Delta State House of Assembly, Friday Osanebi
Osanebi, who is the Deputy Speaker, Delta State House of Assembly, at the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, stakeholders meeting in Ushie, Ndokwa East Local Government Area of the state, said, “I have been a street boy, and I understand the thoughts and emotions of students on the streets. I feel their pulse and understand the challenges they face to be educated. So, what we are doing in FOF is to touch lives as much as God gives us the grace.”
He said the foundation was positioned to extend its empowerment philosophy to indigent Nigerian students and motivate them to be focused.
Osanebi added that beneficiaries were expected to make a Cumulative Grade Point Average, CGPA, of not less than 3.5 or its equivalent of second class upper and above, every year to remain beneficiaries of the scholarship that will run till graduation.




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$2.1bn arms deal, others: Why I won’t speak on probes now —Jonathan

By Eze Anaba, Deputy Editor
GENEVA—A confident looking former President Goodluck Jonathan, yesterday in Switzerland  gave a robust defence of his administration and stated why he would not comment on the current arms probe scandal allegedly involving his National Security Adviser, Col. Sambo Dasuki, and some top politicians in the country.
Speaking at Geneva Press Club on Security, and Development in Africa, the former President said he would not like to comment on the arms probe matter now because his comment could affect witnesses and the judicial proceeding that had been initiated by the current administration.


Minister appeals for calm after Artistes’ Village demolitions 0

Senate to pass budget February 25

From Fred Itua, Abuja
CHAIRMAN of the Appropri­ation Committee in the Senate, Danjuma Goje, said yesterday the Upper Legistative Chamber would pass the 2016 national budget on February 25.
The Senate concluded week-long debate on the budget yes­terday. It suspended plenary to allow the standing committees of the Red Chamber fine-tune the document while summon­ing the ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) to come forward and defend their esti­mates. They have two weeks to do so.
Briefing reporters after ple­nary, Senator Goje re-echoed the earlier position of the Sen­ate leadership to pass the bud­get on February 25.
“The Senate has just con­cluded the debate on the gen­eral principles of the 2016 budget and has been referred to Appropriation Committee for necessary action,” Goje said, adding that, “the committee will send circulars to all other committees which are seen as sub-committees.”
Goje said: “The committees are expected to commence pub­lic hearing on the budget from various departments and agen­cies immediately. Two weeks from tomorrow (today) will be devoted for budget defence. That is till February 11.
“The next process will be concluded on February 18 and that will be handled by the Ap­propriation Committee. We are expected to lay our com­mittee report of the budget on Wednesday, February 24, 2016. The Senate will pass it on Thursday, February 25, 2016.
“This will give the Federal Government 10-month period to implement the budget. We want a departure from the past where implementation is de­layed. This is a government of change and we want to do things differently.
“Plenary will be suspended for two weeks to allow for com­mittees to meet with the various government agencies,” he said.
According to a breakdown of the timetable, the meeting of sub-committees on Appropria­tion with MDAs will take place from today, January 28 till Feb­ruary 11.
Meanwhile, the Presidency has hailed the smooth consid­eration of the 2016 budget and its passage for Second Reading.
Special Assistant to the Pres­ident on National Assembly Matters (Senate), Senator Ita Enang, told correspondents that President Muhammadu Buhari was pleased with the bipartisan consideration of the budget.

CHAN 2016: Oliseh under pressure to quit Eagles

CHAN 2016: Oliseh under pressure to quit Eagles

SUPER Eagles coach, Sun­day Oliseh has said he is un­der pressure to quit Nigeria coaching job following the dismal performance of the team at the African Nations championship in Rwanda.
Oliseh, according to rip­ yesterday re­vealed that he was receiving pressure from friends and family to quit the job and focus on his health, stress­ing that he hoped to meet and discuss with his family before taking his final deci­sion.
The Eagles defeated Ni­ger 4-I in their opening game, managed a 1-1 with Tunisia before losing 1-0 to Guinea to crash out of the competition.
Meanwhile, his foreign based players had threat­ened to boycott Nigeria’s next match against Egypt in March.
The Eagles will battle Egypt in a double header in the 2017 Nations Cup quali­fier billed for March but the precarious position the team found itself made the quest for the ticket more difficult.
“The players are very angry that their last match bonuses have not been paid since their last game against Swaziland on November 17, 2015 and have promised not to show up for subsequent matches,” an official of the team informed Ripples Ni­geria.
It would be recalled that the CHAN Eagles who just crashed out of the African Nations Championship also lamented the non-payment of match bonus and camp allowance since December. After beating Niger 4-1 in their opening game, the League Management Com­pany (LMC), operators of the Nigeria Professional Football League handed a cash gift of $10 000 to the 23 players and officials in Kigali.
However, Super Eagles media officer, Toyin Ibitoye when contacted in Rwanda said there was no truth in the story. “There’s no truth in that story. Please discoun­tenance it. How can anyone be spreading such rumour when Coach Oliseh is al­ready working out plans for the match against Egypt. That online story is unreali­able.”

Senate to pass budget February 25

Senate to pass budget February 25

From Fred Itua, Abuja
CHAIRMAN of the Appropri­ation Committee in the Senate, Danjuma Goje, said yesterday the Upper Legistative Chamber would pass the 2016 national budget on February 25.
The Senate concluded week-long debate on the budget yes­terday. It suspended plenary to allow the standing committees of the Red Chamber fine-tune the document while summon­ing the ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) to come forward and defend their esti­mates. They have two weeks to do so.
Briefing reporters after ple­nary, Senator Goje re-echoed the earlier position of the Sen­ate leadership to pass the bud­get on February 25.
“The Senate has just con­cluded the debate on the gen­eral principles of the 2016 budget and has been referred to Appropriation Committee for necessary action,” Goje said, adding that, “the committee will send circulars to all other committees which are seen as sub-committees.”
Goje said: “The committees are expected to commence pub­lic hearing on the budget from various departments and agen­cies immediately. Two weeks from tomorrow (today) will be devoted for budget defence. That is till February 11.
“The next process will be concluded on February 18 and that will be handled by the Ap­propriation Committee. We are expected to lay our com­mittee report of the budget on Wednesday, February 24, 2016. The Senate will pass it on Thursday, February 25, 2016.
“This will give the Federal Government 10-month period to implement the budget. We want a departure from the past where implementation is de­layed. This is a government of change and we want to do things differently.
“Plenary will be suspended for two weeks to allow for com­mittees to meet with the various government agencies,” he said.
According to a breakdown of the timetable, the meeting of sub-committees on Appropria­tion with MDAs will take place from today, January 28 till Feb­ruary 11.
Meanwhile, the Presidency has hailed the smooth consid­eration of the 2016 budget and its passage for Second Reading.
Special Assistant to the Pres­ident on National Assembly Matters (Senate), Senator Ita Enang, told correspondents that President Muhammadu Buhari was pleased with the bipartisan consideration of the budget.

Enugu horror: 5 human skeletons discovered at building site 1

Enugu horror: 5 human skeletons discovered at building site

  • Keke riders identify victims, demand justice
From Petrus Obi, Enugu
APART from three bod­ies of keke riders exhumed from the foundation of a building at Ugwuaji, in Enugu State, fresh revela­tions indicated that five hu­man skeletons were also excavated from the site.
An eyewitness who par­ticipated in the search, but declined to be named, re­iterated to Daily Sun yes­terday that in addition to the three bodies recovered from the foundation of the building, skeletons, as well as female bags were recov­ered from the site.
“We even saw some fe­male bags at that scene, which suggests that some women must have also fall­en victims,” he disclosed.
Meanwhile, Tricycle Riders’ Association, popu­larly knows as ‘keke rid­ers’, yesterday identified three of the victims in the suspected ritual killing as their members.
Chairman of the union, Ikah Benjamin Ejimofor, who led executive members of the association on a con­dolence visit to the Enugu Central Mosque at Asata Enugu, described the grue­some murder of the keke riders as “most wicked and despicable.”
He gave names of the victims as Babangida Sale, Ashahabu Dauda and Isma­hil Abdulahi.
On Monday, three dead bodies were exhumed from the foundation of a build­ing project, located along the Enugu-Port Harcourt Expressway.
Ejiofor, who fought back tears as he spoke, described the killing as most barbaric and against the principles of life.
“Our members render important service to the society and it is so bad that the same people we serve should turn back to treat us this way.
“We are grieved so much over this colossal loss and, that is why we are here to commiserate with the Hausa community in Enu­gu. We are, indeed, in this tragedy together. We are so much pained.”
Giving insight into the incident, he said the keke riders left their different units on Saturday but nev­er returned, adding that, “a search party was later organised and that is the result of what we saw on Monday.
“At this moment, our plea to security agents is that this evil should not go unpunished; no stone should be left untouched in a bid to bring the perpetra­tors of this dastardly act to book.
“We cannot categorical­ly say whether they were killed for ritual or not, be­cause, even their tricycles have not been found; so, we are leaving that aspect for security agents to un­ravel. ”
He advised keke riders to, henceforth, stop picking people to drop them in iso­lated areas.
Also speaking, one of the leaders of the Hausa com­munity in the state, A. A. Sambo, described the death of their brothers as most shocking.
“We lack words with which to describe this situ­ation; it is so sad that vi­brant young men left home in the morning in search of their daily bread but never returned alive. It is so sad that they were hacked to death in such manner.”

How Davido landed deal with Sony BMG 0

Happy times are here for David Adeleke aka Davido. According to reports, the hip hop artiste has just signed a multimillion deal with Sony BMG in New York.
The OBO singer posted pictures of himself posing in front of the Sony BMG building in New York with the following message: “Thank you God! I’ve worked hard all my life for this day! This is the day that The Lord has made!”

Monday, 25 January 2016

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NACA Takes HIV, Campaign, Care to Tarka LGA, Benue

By Gabriel Olawale
No fewer than 4000 people recently benefitted from counselling, testing and care services provided by the National Agency for the Conrol of HIV AIDS (NACA) in Tarka Local Government Area of Benue State. The services which were sited at the two Primary Health Centres, PHCs, of Tarhembe and Aboho communities were part of the four days activities of NACA to mark the 2015 World AIDS Day (WAD).
One of the counselling points at the Tarhembe PHC, Benue State.
One of the counselling points at the Tarhembe PHC, Benue State.
Services provided during the four days included HIV/AIDS counselling, testing and referral as well as diagnosis and treatment of Malaria, blood pressure checks, random blood glucose check and general medical consultations with provision of drugs to the sick. Declaring the event open, Vice Chairman, Tarka LGA, Tarka Shachia expressed gratitude to NACA for extending such benevolence to the communities in the Local Government Area.
Shachia urged residence in all the surrounding communities to the PHCs to avail themselves of the privilege to be counselled, tested and treated free of charge by the government agency saying, “it is indeed for our own good”.
Some of the dignitaries who flagged off the event included Assistant Director NACA, Lawrence Kwaghga, Dr Kator Iorpagher, Representing Ministry of Health, Representative, Benue State Agency for Control of HIV/AIDS (BENSACA), Mrs Nancy Ali Wine, Counsellor for works, Tarka LGA, Orkyusu Jiibee, as well as notable community leaders like Ahembe Mbasee, Aondowase Soroku, Iortser Adaka, Apere Ibor and Peter Mtsugh.
In his address at the occasion, Dr Kwagha explained why it has become expedient that everyone must know their HIV status, saying it is only with such knowledge that individuals can have the benefit of care and treatment if he or she is positive. He appealed to the people to ensure they give moral support to anyone that test positive to the disease saying, it is not a death sentence once such an individual is place of a lifelong treatment and keeps to the healthy advice that would be given by health officials.
Goodwill messages of hope and support were also delivered by some of the community leaders who pledged their support towards ensuring an AIDS free community through sensitizing their people on curbing harmful practices that aid the spread of the disease.

Nigeria’s crude oil export set to rise in March

By Michael Eboh, with agency report
NIGERIA’s crude oil export is set to rise  in March, a compilation of loading programmes showed yesterday.
This, according to data obtained from Reuters, is coming on the heels of the lifting of force majeure declared by some oil companies, while it added that the increase was in spite of the fact that the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC, raised the  official selling prices for Nigeria’s crude oil gradesfrom more than 10-year lows, reflecting the stronger market.
The report, however, did not state the price at which the NNPC is selling  the crude oil grades. Several key grades, according to the report, were set to increase from the previous  month, including Bonny Light, Bonga, Forcados, Brass River and  Escravos, early loading programmes showed. The report said one of the 10 cargoes of Qua Iboe set for March loading was also deferred from the February programme, setting it slightly  higher than the previous month.
Since the February export plan was issued, ENI has lifted its force majeure on Brass River crude, while Shell has reopened the Trans Niger Pipeline which carries Bonny Light to the export terminal. The report further noted that March exports already included 62 cargoes, or 56.7 million  barrels of oil, compared with the 59 cargoes and 55.2 million  barrels originally planned for February. The barrels per day (bpd) total of 1.83 million was below February’s initially planned total of 1.9 million bpd, due to  the shorter month, but several programmes were still pending,  making March likely to surpass that figure.

Fire razes FRCN station, Umuahia

By Anayo Okoli
UMUAHIA—PACESETTER, the Frequency Modulated, FM, station of Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria, FRCN, based in Amakama, Umuahia South Council of Abia State, was Sunday evening gutted by fire.
The cause of the fire was not yet known but it was said to have started from the roof of the building housing the radio station at about 5pm.
However, no life was lost as the staff on duty at the consul at the time, a lady, was said to have escaped through the toilet window.
According to sources from the radio station, when the workers on duty saw the heavy smoke coming out from the roof, they raised an alarm and called out every staff to avoid loss of life.
The radio station commissioned in 2007 by former Minister of Information, Mr. Frank Nweke Jnr, was completely gutted by fire. However, the staff on duty were said to have managed to salvage the transmission equipment.
But other departments such as accounts, newsroom, programmes and administration as well as the studio were completely burnt down.
Meanwhile, the Abia State Council of Nigeria Union of Journalists, NUJ, has paid a sympathy visit to the radio station. Led by its chairman, Comrade John Emejor, the council called on the federal and state governments and good-spirited individuals and corporate organizations to urgently assist in rebuilding the station and return it back on air.
General Manager of radio station, Mr. Fidelis Onoh, who received the delegation, thanked the NUJ team for the visit.
Meanwhile, the Abia State government has promised that it would do its best to assist in rebuilding the radio station.
Chief Press Secretary to Governor Okezie Ikpeazu, Godwin Adindu made the promise when he paid a sympathy visit to the radio station, where he lamented the massive destruction caused by the inferno.

N167bN Lagos-Ibadan Expressway: How FG ignored arbitration offer by Bi-Courtney

The ongoing rehabilitation of Lagos-Ibadan Expressway has been stalled because the Federal Government ignored offer of arbitration by Bi-Courtney Highway Services Limited.
These facts emerged yesterday following the controversy trailing the N167billion project including the ongoing court in case.
Findings revealed that Bi-Courtney Highway Services Limited had expressed its desire for arbitration in a January 29, 2013 letter to the immediate past Minister of Works, Arc. Mike Onolememen.
But barely three years after the company offered to settle out of court, the Federal Government was yet to respond.
The construction giant also went ahead to name a three-man team to represent it at the arbitration panel but the government has not provided its representatives.
Bi-Courtney letter, which was signed by Chief T.K. Akinbami, reads in part: “We refer to the letter dated 19th November 2012 wherein the concession granted to our Consortium vide your letter of 8th May 2009, was purportedly terminated pursuant to Article 16.1 of the Concession Agreement (“Agreement”) for failure to remedy the alleged breaches complained of in your letter dated 28th August, 2012.”

Army kills 14 insurgents, recover arms in Yobe

Damaturu—The Nigeria army says it has killed 14 Boko Haram insurgents and captured two others around Chirokusko Village in Tarmuwa Local Government Area in Yobe.
Brig-Gen. Mohammed Aliyu, General Commanding Officer (GCO), told newsmen in Damaturu yesterday that 16 assorted weapons and ammunitions were also recovered from the insurgents. Aliyu said the terrorists sneaked into the area and were about settling down when the army ambushed them following a tip-off from patriotic citizens.
He commended the host communities for their cooperation which included providing security operatives with useful information.
According to him, more troops have been deployed to the area to enhance manpower to consolidate the gains recorded in the fight against insurgency. “The Damaturu-BuniYadi-Biu road will soon be opened to motorists for economic activities to resume in the liberated areas.”
The GOC said as part of efforts to boost the morale of the troops, more than 10, 000 soldiers had been given special promotion, while 1,500 others were currently under consideration for promotion to their next rank.
According to the GOC, the army will continue to operate within the rules of engagement and with respect for human rights.
Aliyu said the closure of markets in some communities were based on security reasons and pleaded with people of the area to be patient, adding that the markets would soon be re-opened for business. “We are aware of the inconveniences the market closure might have caused the communities, but we are working hard to reopen them for economic activities to resume,” he assured.
The GOC called for improved cooperation between soldiers and the communities in order to collectively defeat insurgency in the country.

Eagles battle Guinea for quarter final ticket

The Super Eagles are battle ready to pick all three points off Guinea’s Syli Nationale today in order to make sure of top spot in Group C and guarantee qualification for the quarter finals of the 4th African Nations Championship.
On Sunday, the Eagles arrived in beautiful border district of Rubavu, venue of their clash with the Syli Nationale, after a three –hour road trip from Rwanda’s capital, Kigali. They are lodged at the Gorilla Hotel, close to the Kivu Beach.
The team had its first training session in Rubavu on Sunday, and on Monday, the team had a feel of today’s match venue, The Rubavu Stadium.
According to the team’s Media Officer, Toyin Ibitoye, all 23 players who made the trip are in excellent physical and mental shape ahead of the crucial West African derby with the tricky Guineans.
Coach Sunday Oliseh praised the players for their brave performance against the very experienced Tunisian side on Friday and promised that the team will put out another high level display when they file out today.
Victory by any margin on Tuesday will guarantee the Eagles top spot in Group C, and a quarter –final date with the second placed team in Group D. A draw would be enough for qualification, as Nigeria has a two–point margin on second–placed Guinea and Tunisia, but should Tunisia achieve a high–score win over Niger Republic, top spot may not be guaranteed.
Guinea have drawn each of their two matches 2-2, against Tunisia and Niger Republic, coming from behind each time. They pose a big threat because of the skill and guile of their strikers.
Nigeria forward Chisom Chikatara, on four goals, will pose the biggest threat to the Guineans at the Rubavu Stadium. His excellent positioning can get him the goals to be top scorer of this championship.